The 1974 Christmas special, “The Year Without a Santa Claus,” introduced us to two characters that have entrenched themselves in Christmas pop culture ever since. The show title itself is usually lesser known than these two, Heat Miser and his brother Snow Miser.
They each only had a few minutes of dialogue. Usually instantly recognizable by their names and their likeness, but what they are most remembered for are their iconic songs.
These two were the sons of Mother nature and between them existed a sibling rivalry that was epic. They were, in fact, in charge of the weather with each having control of their temperate zones. Since Mrs. Claus had a special request to bring snow to a part of the country by the name of Southland that had never seen it. She first asked Snow Miser if he would fulfill this request. While he would have been happy to help, he directed her to his brother Heat Miser who controlled that region of the country.
She and a couple of elves went and visited Heat Miser to ask if he would allow Cold Miser to make it snow in Southland. There ensued a heated argument between the two brothers wherein Mrs Claus decided to visit their mother to have the matter resolved.
In the presence of Mother Nature, both sons were convinced that a fair trade could be arranged where Heat Mizer would allow Snow to fall in the little town and Snow Miser would allow a warm, sunny day in his region.
The Snow Miser Song
[Snow Miser]
I’m Mister White Christmas
I’m Mister Snow
I’m Mister Icicle
I’m Mister Ten Below
Friends call me Snow Miser
Whatever I touch
Turns to snow in my clutch
I’m too much!
He’s Mister White Christmas
He’s Mister Snow
[Snow Miser]
That’s right!
He’s Mister Icicle
He’s Mister Ten Below
[Snow Miser]
Friends call me Snow Miser
Whatever I touch
Turns to snow in my clutch
He’s too much!
[Snow Miser]
I never want to know a day
That’s over forty degrees
I’d rather have it thirty
Twenty, ten, five and let it freeze!
He’s Mister White Christmas
He’s Mister Snow
[Snow Miser]
That’s right!
He’s Mister Icicle
He’s Mister Ten Below
[Snow Miser]
Friends call me Snow Miser
Whatever I touch
Turns to snow in my clutch
Too much
Too much!
The Heat Miser Song
[Heat Miser]
I’m Mister Green Christmas
I’m Mister Sun
I’m Mister Heat Blister
I’m Mister Hundred and One
They call me Heat Miser
Whatever I touch
Starts to melt in my clutch
I’m too much!
He’s Mister Green Christmas
He’s Mister Sun
He’s Mister Heat Blister
He’s Mister Hundred and One
[Heat Miser]
They call me Heat Miser
Whatever I touch
Starts to melt in my clutch
He’s too much!
[Heat Miser]
Thank you
I never want to know a day
That’s under sixty degrees
I’d rather have it eighty, ninety, one hundred’s a breeze!
“Oh, some like it hot, but I like it really hot!”
He’s Mister Green Christmas
He’s Mister Sun
[Heat Miser]
Sing it!
He’s Mister Heat Blister
He’s Mister Hundred and One
[Heat Miser]
They call me Heat Miser
Whatever I touch
Starts to melt in my clutch
I’m too much
Too much
Why people relate to these characters and their songs
These songs are memorable and the tune can easily get stuck in your head. They truly reflect the personalities of the population wherein most agree on moderate weather, if they had to make a choice on the extremes, many people are split on their preference for hot weather over cold or vice versa. You will often hear people refer to another as either Heat Miser or Cold Miser in jest, reflecting their preference of weather.