With a franchise that has spanned decades, Star Wars is everywhere. The question becomes, “how dedicated is the fan you are about to buy for?”
Some people are passive in their collection while others want lightsabers on their wall. Here are plenty of gift ideas for your hard to buy for friend or family member.
If you yourself are not as familiar with this saga, I will provide context for each to help you make the right choice.
Lego Models
Baby Yoda

This little one popped onto the scene not to long ago in the series: The Mandalorian. Ever since, the internet was flooded by true fans that expressed themselves in Meme’s and buying anything related to “the child”.
Ever since his popularity, there has been an overwhelming number of fun items placed on the market to choose from. Socks, toys, wall decals and yes, chia pets. And let’s not forget, a tree ornament.
The Millennium Falcon
Stocking Stuffer
This space ship has been in so many movies and has become instantly recognizable to any fan of the series. Not everyone wants a model sitting in their living room, but who doesn’t need another bottle opener. And it makes the perfect little gift. Click here to find on Amazon.

Men’s Tie
Not exactly subtle, but still professional. Your recipient can proudly display the schematics of this ship and still be allowed in the building.

Darth Vader
The most well known of the characters in Star Wars, fans cannot get enough of this storied villain.

He is a pop culture classic and his imagery shows up everywhere. since the pandemic has brought so many to work from home, t-shirts are the new business attire and you never go wrong giving one as a gift. Well, as long as you get the right size that is.
And the Saga Continues
The number of Star Wars books are enormous. A few years back, there came out a series just for the Dark Lord himself. If you are considering something for older teen or adults, this might be just the thing.
A Mask for your Mask
It can be hard to look stylish during the pandemic. So let’s not even try. Get them this fun Darth Vader mask covering.

Sure to Make them Smile
Everyone who knows the story of why he wears the mask will instantly recognize the seen where we are first shown some of the injuries in The Empire Strikes Back. This little POP desk display is for anyone that just enjoys surrounding themselves with this type of memorabilia.

The Robots of Star Wars
If you are not familiar with this Science Fiction giant series, it is chock full of robots that often have their own personalities.
R2-D2 Droid

By far the most famous of all of them and in a majority of the movies, R2-D2 is always a welcome sight by people who love Star Wars. Where would the galaxy be without him. If you have someone that likes techie things, this remote controlled robot is sure to WOW them.
Bounty Hunter Droids
The really fun apart about all of these robots is the variety of gift formats that you can buy. Detailed models, or fun little kids toys. The famous bounty hunter droids are seen in the movies but now have more personality since The Mandalorian series.

Medical Droids

Though lesser known, we need to bring attention to droids that always seem to appear in the movies. Get this little toy for any child.
Space Ships of Star Wars
For anyone that loves Science Fiction in general, few things spark the imagination as much as space ships. Star Wars is full of iconic images and recognizable designs that have made them favorites whether you were a fan of the movie or not.

Set of Star Wars Models with their own stands
Super Star Destroyer

If you are unfamiliar with all of these ships, then you may not think much of this image. But tis is one of the largest ships in the fleet and would look great in a kids room or someone’s desk.
Y-Wing Fighter
Here is something a little different for adults and kids that like to build models. No glue required. These are sheets of metal laser cut to be assembled. Very popular hobby nowadays and this one would be sure to please. You should know it requires time and patience, but they look great.

Darth Vader TIE Fighter Tree Ornament

Being the right hand man to the Emperor has its’ privileges. You always get the unique, cool looking ships. This well known fighter is now a Christmas Tree ornament and can even play music.
Death Star Ice Cubes
For the more sophisticated types, you can always give them a custom ice mold in the the shape of the biggest of them all, the Death Star. If they are truly are as loyal as you think they are, they will definitely use this.

Wall Art Patents

Some fun decorations for the wall could be some vintage style patent posters. Would look great in a teenagers room.
Imperial Walker Wooden Model
Not so much built for space and certainly not a robot, but more of a military tank. These fun wooden models are easy to put together and can be painted as a fun activity.

The Characters
This epic franchise has so many books and movies, that it is filled to the brim with characters both good and evil. As long as you don’t try to give someone Jar Jar Binks memorabilia, you can hardly go wrong.
The Mandalorian

The Mandalorian has brought a new definition of cool to the saga. Part of a semi-religious group of bounty hunters, everyone is watching this hit new series. This keepsake paperweight showcases his mantra central to his beliefs- “This is the way.”
Han Solo
The question has to be asked, how dedicated is the recipient to their collection? Han Solo through the years turned out to be the most fun of all. Probably the most memorable time, and the saddest was when he was frozen in Carbonite to be thawed out at a later time.
This gift though is for the serious fan. A 7 foot statue on Amazon. Priced over $2,000 but definitely worth checking out.